During a Recent QHHT Past Life Regression session, the client was shown three different lifetimes as well and an understanding of his mission on Earth.
In the third life, he was a soldier at war facing the enemy, standing with courage, fearless, protecting his troop. At the end of that life we begin to understand he was a walk in to a Soul of a five year old child who was ill and the Soul had decided to leave and not pursue the life mission. We speak with the Arcturians on the ship and the client’s Higher Self with information regarding the various lifetimes but also much more to assist us in the upcoming shift of Mother Earth and Humanity.
The client jumps into the third lifetime (This is a term used when moving from one lifetime directly into another one)
Client: Not sure where I am, grass on the ground (describes the surrounds)
Mayda: What else do you perceive
C: I can’t focus, I’m on my hands and knees. There’s dirt. I can’t breathe, I think I’m scared. I’m lying next to someone. Things are exploding. I can hear machine guns. I’m lying down for cover.
Someone is next to me, shot and he’s dying.
I’m waiting.
M: What are you waiting for
C: The enemy is coming.
M: Describe to me what you are wearing
C: I smell dirty, nothing’s on my head. Green khaki clothing, a long rifle, two bullets, I need to breath… I need to breathe.
M: Is there something that’s obstructing you from breathing?
C: Panic…stay calm, they can’t see me!
M: Can you see them, the enemy?
C: Yeah, their bullets are flying pretty close. But the grass is green and the sky is blue. There’s a wagon near me that I’ve got for cover. I think I’m in WWII. I think I’m in Poland or Germany and I’m fighting.
M: Tell me what you do next.
C: I relax, just stay relaxed and just stay still. My troops are behind me and I’m their leader. They’re behind me in the dugout, they took cover when the firing started. There’s others that are dead around me, but I stay still and I stay low. I’m waiting for cover.
I call back to my men, who are shaken. I’m calm and I settle them and we hold our position. Our friends have died. There is death everywhere. But we will win, we will hold. We have to hold.
M: Tell me more about your troop?
C: They adore me, I adore them, we are brothers. They keep firing, we keep firing. We are there until nightfall.
We are waiting for support. But nothing comes. And everything is not going dark. Something went off. Something exploded.
We are all laying on each other now. I’m leaving that body. I’m floating above
M: As you move to the other side you will see things from a different perspective
C: I have not been here long. I was there to show them how not to fear. To show them that fear does not exist.
M: Was that your purpose in that life?
C: Yes to lead.
M: And you did that very well.
C: Honestly and to the best of my ability, that was my job.
M: What did you feel you learnt from that lifetime?
C: Life is short, we must move forwards, even if it means you will die. We must not look back.
Human Beings are love and innocent. The machine and cover ups cannot hurt and take away our love, even if it means we die. Love carries on, love never dies.
I’m somewhere between Earth and space , just drifting through. I’m so free, I’m light, I’m in the stars now.
I see a ship in the horizon. They see me, they’re coming to get me, they bring me in. It is white and grey, white and black. I can’t see anyone yet, I can’t come into focus but I feel like lying down in a bed.
M: What can you see around you?
C: My hand is on me.
M: Describe that for me?
C: It’s thin and light, but I’m still groggy. I’m on a ship and I’m safe. I’m relaxed. It’s just not dense. Its light, it’s so easy to breathe…(takes a breath)
Long blond hair. Someone’s looking over me, it’s a male. The ship is not big. He’s wearing blue clothing, in a room. He’s glad to have me back, He says Give it time, you’ll come around.
My hands are there in front of me. I’m sitting up on the bed. I don’t say anything, they’re just watching me to make sure I’m ok.
Client then describes himself as very tall, long arms, blond hair, wearing blue from Arcturus
M: What was your mission
C: To bring love to the war. I was not there long. I was not on Earth for very long.
M: How did you get there, if you were not there for long?
C: I was sent into a child, he was 5 years old. He was replaced with me.
M: What happened to that child
C: His Soul was not strong enough. He was weak for some reason. We intervened. I came in the night while he was asleep. He was to be a soldier. He was to give hope and take away the fear of other soldiers to show the way in the dark.
He is strong, he knows what he’s doing. He has always known what he is doing
M: Am I now speaking to the Higher Self(HS)?
HS: Yes
M: It seems that there were quite a few lifetimes that he had gone to do similar work on the Earth plane. Has he always done this from the ships as this Being?
HS: Yes, he is not as experienced as others, but he is very good at what he does. He shows the raw love, the raw fearlessness, the raw energy. He is needed, he is extremely important that he is here.
M: Tell me the importance of why he is here
HS: He is the light in the dark. He is Arcturian, he is here to assist his partner, to test her, to push her, to show her unconditional love. The children are the light in the dark. He has always known that but we are careful.
M: What do you mean by “you are careful”?
HS: His role must be played to ensure the children are safe.
M: His main concern is the children and he also feels he has a role for other children as well in time to come. But he is only shown a certain information. What is his role for the other children ?
HS: He is the father, he must stay strong for ALL the children. He will be their father. He will assist the children, he will reassure the children, His partner is the mother.
M: Is his partner also from Arcturus?
HS: Yes, but she is older, much older. She has a different role. She is a nurturer. She is a mother. The children must be protected. The time is near. The children must be protected.
M: What is it that they must do.
HS: Time is near, they are close. They are getting weaker, the dark is getting weaker. The children’s light is shining. They know no fear now.
M: There are many Starseeds here as these children?
HS: Yes, yes we are all here.
M: Besides yourselves, are there others?
HS: We are from all different species, some are star seeds and some are here for the battle. The battle for Earth has been won. We are here to keep the love and the strength for those who fall to their knees, they will look to us, we will be there. We will love them and we will take them with us.
(HS said that the client was also here for to bring messages for me. He stated that I am also on the ship but asleep, whilst I am awake here on Earth.)
HS: You are a Soul protector. You are at peace that you are working with the creator. You are loved and you have your place, just like he has, you hold your Light. The important messages have already been given to you through him earlier today.
You must remember the Soul purpose, that is the purpose. The Soul has made the decision, you are here to guide the Soul. You give people joy, you have a very gentle and caring nature. Do not get involved in the fear from your family. It will not serve you. You must serve them with patience and love and understanding. They will come, but you will go first, but they will come.
Don’t worry it will come, remember the Light is in your Spirit. Focus on your Light, He has already spoken to you today what you need to do. You will remember that everything will be exactly the way it is meant to be. Do not deviate from your cause. You are Sentient.
M: Thank you I will remember.
(Further messages were received that certain groups have infiltrated. both sides with fear. These groups realised the majority are not concerned with the virus itself, so they wanted to retain the fear. All souls have already made their decision of what they will do and where they will stay. There is nothing left to do.
HS: He is like others, but he is close. He is very close. He listens to us, he knows we’re here. He is Arcturian and he knows that we are best for him, so he lets his body go and he lets us guide him. His Soul knows we are here, we will not leave him.
He is on a journey of remembering and he is remembering faster than usual. Time does not exist anymore, he is searching for ways to help the people around him. When he needs to, find the love within, find the spark within, focus on the spark within, see it within himself, see himself healing the children, they will be healed. He can heal. His energy will affect everyone around him. They will feel him when he walks in the room, he does not need to speak, he is there. You listen to him, you understand him, because he speaks the truth, he does not lie. He sees the Light within. He will be there… when you wake up.
He is determined to help. He will not give up, he will not give in.
He has given us his commitment to helping and loving others. Sometimes to the eyes of the Human, you can doubt yourself, but that is a trick, that is not reality. He will be there for everyone, He will need to focus on the light within the spark within him is very bright.
(There were further discussions regarding the lifetimes he was shown and how that was relevant to his current life. Each life were polar opposites of each other, but the speed he learns is twice his age. He had only had three other lifetimes on Earth, this being the fourth.)
M: What are the connections we have with those from Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda when we work with them?
HS: You are all on the same mission, we are all allies, we will win, we have won, we must stand together for Earth for the Humans, We have to put our Love into the mission.
Further personal information was shared for the client.
When asked if his hearing can be adjusted so the ringing and sound can diminish,
HS: It will not be necessary as he must hear the frequencies. The frequencies are changing and he can hear them. They are getting louder as we are getting closer. He will know it, he hears it
M: Why is it he hears a different tone from each ear
HS: As things shift, his body is picking up on the Earth shifting. He must know, he will know when the Shift is coming.
M: What will that Shift look like
HS: The sky will be dark, but it will last for three to four days of no sun. We will be here working, working while you are asleep.
You will be fine, do not worry. Then we will ensure peace. He hears the vibration now as it gets stronger.
M: What will it look like after the three days, what will we experience we awaken?
HS: You will see yourself with the one you love and you will be very peaceful at heart and you will take time to understand. Maybe weeks, maybe days, but eventually you will understand that you have shifted, We will gently put you into this, this will not be abrupt. You will take time to understand. We will not give you everything all at once. We must take care of your Self. Nothing happens without us knowing, everything is perfect and we will be all together.
M: So will we not even recognise those days of darkness?
HS: No, because we will need to do our work, you are not allowed to see our work, it is not for the Human mind to understand the Shift. We will be taking you, taking them, taking who we need to on the days we need to. This goes on and it’s a process. You will wake up from a peaceful sleep and you will feel different, but you will not realise it straight away, it will take time. As ascension takes time, so will your awakening into the new Light. It is slow but steady and you will know.
(Further personal information was shared for the client including the number of near death experiences the client had and why he was saved. So in his later years he understands to connect to them and be guided and understand he is important. He must move with the Light)
M: Can you share any information regarding certain groups serving the self serve agenda leaving the planet at this time?
HS: They are scrambling, they are afraid. They are not incarnating. They are trying to hold on to the ones that give them energy. They are dying and the Light is winning. They are leaving and they will not return. They are terrified, they are trying to influence and project their terror onto the Beings that are here. And it is a slow process, but they are losing, The fight will come and we will win. Mankind must stand up, but it will be fine.
M: Is there any final messages
HS: Be yourself, do NOT be afraid, There is not much to do. And you have not been shown until now, as you could not deviate your path.
M: Thank you for the information
HS: You must keep up the work you are doing. You must stay on course, It is essential.
M: May I have permission to share this information?
HS: Yes
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