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Continuation from Part A ~ discussions with the Higher Self.

M: The life he was shown as the woman in the medieval times, he is having the same conflicts as she was at this time, however she succumbed to live the life she was supposed to inherit and live.

HS: Yes, that was the choice that she made.

M: So the same conflicts are recording in this timeline why is that?

HS: Yes it is similar, there is fear there because of the unknown you see, that woman chose to stay and so it was certain, she was still ultimately able to do the most important work, because she could retreat to her room. That was where the important work was and had she left it would have been unknown. It would have been a different timeline. There would have been a question mark, would she had been able to find a stable and secure environment that would have allowed her to ascend to those higher levels, sleep well, be safe physically, to allow her spirit to go elsewhere.
M: So what is (the client) need to do in this timeline with these challenges?
HS: The challenges are around interpersonal connections here. He must learn how to manage conflict. He must learn how to chart his own path and manage the needs for others, because it is not zero or a hundred, it is not all (the client) or all others. He needs to learn to strike a balance between the two so that he can fulfil is desires without completely letting go and ignoring the desires of others. Because if he was doing completely what he wanted to do, that would be too easy, he would simply do what he wanted all the time, that of course is not the purpose of being on Earth. 

M: Yes, I see what you mean
HS: But it is difficult, it is a challenge to walk around and manage the needs for others and marry it together in harmony with the needs of the self. 

M: In regards to his career where he is facing the choices of the mind verses the heart

HS: The bladder is filling up, it can wait for a time…(The HS wanted the client to have a bathroom break, however it then asked me to ask one more question prior to this break, interestingly enough on the return of the client the HS voice and way of speaking had altered. It seemed we had a very deep level of Higher Consciousness prior to the break)

M: I would like to understand the dilemma he is facing with the choices of his career to ensure the pleasing of his family by continuing his legal studies, verses doing what he is passionate within his heart.

HS: That is a structure, it is almost like the castle, that is law is like the castle, because it has doors, hoops that it must be jumped through, hallways that must be walked down, doorways that must be opened and closed in order. There is a great deal of anxiety over the future for him over what life in a legal environment would look like. Because it would involve in a way being somebody who (clients name) is not.
M: Isn’t that the same dilemma the faced as the woman in the castle? She had great fears of returning to the castle.

HS: And now I’m afraid the bladder must be emptied

(At times the HS cannot continue and asks for this to occur, even though it’s a physical releasements it is also energetic.)

HS: As the medieval woman, it was her position to begin with though, it was her family position which allowed her. She stepped back into it, and of natural progression she ended up into the position she was. Where’s with (the clients name) it is an environment that has its own challenges. It’s a matter of whether he wants to experience that. It has its own tests, it feels like almost an incompatibility. 

M: Tell me more about that incompatibility

HS: Well it is a different way of operating, a different way of thinking and moving than the way (the client) has been designed to work; it is much more to do with the interchange with people, that is a great deal more interpersonal conflict, which (the client) is not designed for, in some ways. And that is the source of the stress, because it involves a certain harshness, harshness which is in many ways is not compatible with (the client).

M: How does he find clarity in the decision ahead?

HS: It is almost that the head is too large, it is over thinking, it is causing the head to almost be heavy sometimes. He needs to take the steps as they arise and as he takes the steps, he will notice they are easy steps, because they are the right steps to take. He knows the steps he needs to take now, he does not need to know the steps that are two or three steps down the track.

M: You are asking him to be in the moment then?
HS: Yes we are, it is frustrating to us.

M: He wants to know the timeline around his decision making 

HS: No, we refuse

(Sometimes the HS will not answer questions regarding time as it depends on choices made in a given time.)

M: Why is he so sensitive in this lifetime

HS: It stems back to his childhood. In a way it may be a part of him that hasn’t grown up, a part of his childlike self still exists today. And it is kept alive for the time being but it does not always have to necessarily be this way. 

M: What there a reason that it happened that way?

HS: Yes, and it has to do with the sense of self and the sense of safety in this world. A sense of in many ways to do with sexual orientation because that was the age that he realised that he was different. And so from that age, 5, 6 say, that is a part which has not grown up. A part of an inner child which has not yet been nurtured. It’s not been allowed to feel safe, so it continues to ask for its needs to be fulfilled., even though the other parts have grown up.

M: This inner child that hasn’t had its needs fulfilled, is that the part that’s creating him to want to feel safe and secure in his career an in various other ways to make sure it’s in control as such?

HS: Very much so, although there are slightly different parts of him, but yes. The inner child is seeking expression, freedom. Love which he will not find in a legal career and he will not find by virtue of that part of him that’s asks for safety, security, because those are the parts that will cause him to seek out environments that are mercenary, that are a little bit money driven. And those are not the environment that will allow the inner child to be nurtured. And that is something that must happen for (there Client) in this life. He must nurture and bring the inner child to maturity and expression.

M: Why did his Soul choose this?

HS: It is a sense to learn, it is almost a sense of parenting, parenting himself, being a parent to a part of himself, to learn how to be a parent before he is a parent. Part of that is so that when he is a parent he will be a better parent than otherwise be, a very good parent. Because that is a part of this journey as well in this life, to have children, to be a parent.

M: If I can understand from the medieval life, there was a part of her that remained aside, the imaginative side that wanted to learn and discover, because of the choice she made. Is that the reason why it’s come into this life, because that part was never nurtured?

HS: Well, it was never expressed in that life. We showed it because it was a similar life.

M: Is it appropriate to ask you to release the fear of being unsafe and unable to have full expression from that lifetime so that he can make the appropriate decisions and take action accordingly in this life?

HS: Yes it can be assisted however we must note that he must learn to nurture the inner child as well, we can assist yes, by clearing some of the fences, the barriers which he has constructed around the heart.

M: Tell me about these barriers, when did he construct them.

HS: these are protected measures and barriers that sit around the heart and in the torso area to stop the heart from fully finding expression and connection. This can have some detriments in finding a romantic connections as well, because it can stop, let’s say, a full connection.

M: Are you able to bring these barriers down then.
HS: Yes we can and we must note that part of that is to leave any environment which causes him to continue to put ups these barriers including where he is now at home, and this is why he needs to move out and this of course he knows. We have put the fences away. It’s like rings around the heart, it’s completed. 

M: Why has it taken so long to move out?
HS: Part of that has been his own doing, he’s procrastinating. It is coming from fear, fear of the unknown from that life.

M: Where is he holding this fear of the unknown?
HS: It’s like a great bubble over his heart, the shoulders and the neck. It is muting some of the other chakras. For example the Solar plexus, is muted because of the cover over the heart.

M: Are you able to release that for him now?
HS: Yes, it’s done. The unknown will always be a part of life on Earth. Trusting the work and trusting himself…. it is not a mindset shift, it is in the moment. He must be reminded to be calm, to remember that in every moment and every interaction he as the power of his whole self behind him.

M: Is there any other fear based energies holding him back?

HS: Yes there is. Behind the neck on top of the shoulders. It is like an animal’s hackles. It’s a projection from the Solar Plexus that has to do with a sense of safety, it is a defence mechanism. At one stage almost everything was a defence mechanism. We are grateful that now things are better. 

M: Can you please release that energy for him?
HS: Yes we will return that energy to the Solar Plexus where it belongs….Yes its done.

M: Can I then understand if there’s anything else we can clear from that life that it becoming an obstruction for him to stepping into the person that he needs to become.

HS: Not from that life necessarily, there is clearing that can occur in the shoulders, that is the frustration. A great deal of frustration that’s things haven’t happened.

M: Which lifetime did that begin from?
HS: That is to do with impatience with the things not moving in this life. They are like stagnant energy that has gathered there as if to move quickly or strike at something when it is not necessary for that to happen, it is not necessary for anything to be forced. Why should the energy be drawn there, stay there and be stagnant? That does not help or assist anything. He thinks that if he places himself into a state where his constantly ready to act almost in a…let’s say, a fight or flight response, although it is not that. But if he is in that state, he will be able to respond to any opportunities of change that arise. When in reality that change comes from deep within and it comes naturally, often without being noticed, although when it occurs its entirely natural.

M: Is this a fear based control mechanism?
HS: It is a fear based control mechanism that is born out of a concern that he will miss any opportunities that come up when of course if the opportunities are right, they will simply unfold.

M: If appropriate are you able to release these energies?
HS: Yes we are unfolding,….yes and it will continue tonight

M: He wanted to ask why he is always prone to anxiety and depression?
HS: That in some ways is voluntary, it is like a surrender to the circumstances and challenges of life. He does not need to himself In that state and in many ways its partially self induced…. that is a great shame. If only he could let go a little bit it wouldn’t be that easy to step into those states. Before his whole life can be truly happy he must find spaces now, and he can find those spaces as windows in a day. That is what he must survive on in some ways until it can expand to fill the whole life. 

M: Is there anything we can release in regards to the anxiety 

HS: Yes there is a general feel of anxiety around the body almost like an electrical field that sits around the body that helps to inform responses to people that (the client) comes in contact with.
M: Is this why he sometimes attracts other entities into his field when he feels down within himself?
HS: Yes because the quality of the field changes. In normal life it is merely an anxious or reactive field, that is where the sensitivity is heightened by the anxiety. It is to do with boundary setting. He must, must learn to say no to people, because when he does not say no to people and experiences and things, he forgets how to say no to other things as well. And that is when the entities can come in because the energy field is not saying no to certain things. As in saying no to feeling a certain way and that is identified and prayed on.

M: Are you able to clear this field a bit for him?
HS: Yes the field has been harmonised and toned down. He must remember that the field can be regenerated by erecting those barriers around the heart and when he does the field is almost projected the  energy that is carried there. But we have harmonised it.

M: How does he deal with the inner conflict of laying boundaries without disappointing or hurting others?

HS: In some ways that mechanism is in some ways a boundary, it is a boundary that the true inner self, the authentic self. If he’s really true to himself, he will make choices that are true to him and he will know which choices to make because they feel good and right in the body and the heart as a confirmation. The decision not to hurt others is a defence mechanism, because of course when no one is on your side, there is no one to protect you.He finds it difficult to say no and often he feels his life may be poorer for it but, that is not true as he’s a creative individual and he can simply create and life will not be boring.

M: Why does (the client) feel confident in his life in many ways but is lacking inner confidence? Why is there a conflict in this?

HS: We find this quite disappointing in some ways. Defining a self relative to others is part of the problem. As not everybody is able to understand him or see the whole self. In fact most people do not bother of seeing whole self of others. They simply see what they want to see. So why should (my client) base his self worth on the perception on others when it is often inaccurate. That is where the issue of lacking confidence comes from. But within the self the lack of self confidence is as much that as it is not having faith in the world. That the world will see him as he is and accept him. 

M: Regarding money and the hardship of his parents finances is there an intergenerational healing that required to be done?
HS: Of course, it is both but especially the mothers. It is pain that is carried that’s lives on through (the client), the pain of struggle with nothing, but of course that does not serve.

M: Where is he carrying this generational pain located?
HS: It is almost behind him, pushing him forward. It is held behind the head, behind the heart. These can sometimes be unwanted forces. He sometimes holds on to that because it is the connection to his past. Although the content of the mindset does not assist.

M: Am I able to ask if we can allow this generational pain to be released?

HS: Yes …it is done. It will be a challenge for him to step back into the environment, but he must find his own space for himself to be free of that.

M: How often should he listen to this recording?
HS: This one is important he should listen to it periodically for a time, for a month once our week.

M: He was questioning whether he should come for this sessions today bit decided to do so. Why was he reluctant?

HS: He did, that is amusing. He was just shy I think, he simply worried that the self judgement which he puts on himself would be the same judgement that others apply to him, but of course we know that you would never do that. He seems to think that it is a good thing, let’s say high standards, but of course any standard that you have is something that pulls you away from the present moment. And that is of course the most important thing he must remember is to be in the present moment. And then all these extraneous things, these unnecessary things will simply disappear. He thinks by holding on to these things he will retain a sense of security. It’s almost like shaking a bush hoping that fruit will fall, when no fruit grows on the trees to begin with. 

M: Could you do a body scan and let me know if there’s anything else we can release and heal?

HS: Yes, we’re drawn to the sacral. There’s something that’s not released. It could be a reserve of a bright reserve that is glowing orange yellow white, very bright.

M: How was this reserve of energy created?
HS: Its not finding expression

M: Are you able to balance this now
HS: Let me see. The problem is that he tries too hard to control it. A sense of control, a sense of wishing to transmute that energy, to move it to the other chakras, which is perfectly acceptable, but it is in way premature. The energy must be release fist before it can be re-distributed. The key is to do with self love, love of the whole entire self. And through the heart is the way of unlocking it.

M: Does this have to do with his inner child?
HS: It has much to do with that. There is something that is stopping his inner child connection. It’s in the heart. It’s like a gap or barrier almost like a wall …this is thicker than we originally sensed. It is deep. We have just injected the body with energy which will assist. 

M: Are you able to do a reconnection with his inner child.

HS: There are a few layers here.

M: Are you able to release these layers?
HS: Yes it’s done. Just like a garden, he must remember to nurture and nourish. (The HS then did an inner child re-connection) It is easy to separate himself from it, but we must cut barriers which separate us from the inner child.

M: Where are these barriers?
HS: In front of the heart, which we have cut through, there’s one in front of the heart, one in front of the throat, one in front of the third eye, forehead. … He must find a way to cry tonight.

M: Can you now look at the sacral and rebalance that energy now?

HS: Yes…..When the sacral is unbalanced, there’s simply a sign that there is an unfulfilled need of some kind requiring expression, that is all it is. It taps into which part of him is being unfulfilled or not nourished or  not nurtured. He will be able to find the source of that.

M: Am I able to continue? Is the body able to continue at this stage? (I always ask the HS once it goes over a two hour timeframe, as the body can become very tired and at times they will disallow.)

As you explained yourselves being from the Great Central Sun I would like to understand the connections he has with the Great Central Sun and other lifetimes he has had and 

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