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My Client was experiencing self harm, depression and anxiety from the age of 12 years old. She had a recollection of attending a school camp at that age and seeing a young girl in a white dress in the middle of the night. She thought it was her friend, but her friend was asleep. Since then she’s experienced mental, emotional, sexual and physical abuse. She has been in and out of mental wards and experienced mental health issues without any explanation of what was happening to her. She had no memory prior to the age of 12 and the first thing she could remember was the camp. 

Whilst in regression, we understood that in her most recent past life, she had been raped by four men in a small chapel, which was at that exact place she attended the camp in this life. 

She also felt very uncomfortable walking into a room at her mother’s house, where there was a piece of iron furniture. During her regression we also became aware that the piece of iron furniture, belonged to the house in that previous life. It was brought into this life as an antique piece, for her to remember and release the emotions from the life she died in. 

Her lesson in this life was to save herself.

At the start of the regression, my client finds herself surrounded by green hills and three cows, seeing herself laying with the cows.She sees a row of trees in a distance that seem like they shouldn’t be there, as she feels the place she’s at is supposed to be green hills and cows.
She then see’s a girl running around in the background with her friends. She looks like how she did on her mum and dad’s wedding day, She looks around 5 years old running around happily calling mummy. Laying with the cows and seeing the image of a little girl happy with her friends at her home.
As she lays there, it feels soft, but also a prickly feeling when she pats the cow. She discovers that the ground is quite earthy, with short grass. She realises there is a fence near a gravel road, it’s like there is some other form of life, not just the cows and herself. There appears to be no other structures or landscapes, just hills, cows, fence and gravel road.

M: From where you are with these cows, is that fence surrounding you and the cows?

C: Just to one side, to my right side of me.

M: When you look at the other side of the hills what do you see?

C: Just green hills, no fences, no house.

M: And this gravel road that you see, have a look where it’s going, what do you see?

C: It’s coming from behind the dark tree and going down a hill, that I can’t see down.

M: Very good, look down where you laying, I want you to look down at your feet, are you wearing anything over your feet?
C: No, just bare feet

M: Slowly look up from your bare feet, to your knees, towards your thigHS, is there anything covering your legs?

C: No

M: Slowly look up towards your waist and your hips and your upper body, tell me what is covering over your body? What are you wearing? 

C: Just white.

M: What does this white look like?
C: Just a top, a flow top.

M: Describe that for me what that looks like?

C: T-shirt sleeve and two brown buttons at the front, it’s a longer sort of top.

M: Where does it go down to?

C:  The points at the side, go down to my knees. But the front of it goes just beneath my belly.

M: Very good, are you wearing anything else?

C: No

M: And I want you tell me, have a look at your hands, your arms, have you got anything over your hands or your arms, like any kind of ornaments or anything?
C: No

M: What about your neck?
C: No, very pale skin.

M: If you were to look at yourself, at a reflection of yourself in a window or a mirror, describe the colour of your hair, what does your hair look like?

C: While I envision myself laying on the cow, my hair is a light ginger colour but then when I envision myself in the reflection, it’s dark… black…long.

M: As you see yourself laying on the cow, you said you’ve got light ginger hair, is it long or short?

C: Long

M: Where does it go to?

C: Down to my tailbone

M: is it straight or curly

C: Wavy

M: I want you to look at your eyes, tell me what colour are they?

C: Like a hazel green colour.

M: Describe your facial features for me, you said you’ve got very light pale skin.

C: Very pale skin, it’s almost as I lay there, I stop feeling conscious. It’s like I died on a cow, my skins getting lighter.

M: Tell me what happens here.

C: Feels peaceful. I ook peaceful

M: Are you still feeling the cow?

C: No

(I took her back to when she was still in the body prior to leaving the body

M: Tell me what’s happening here? 

C: I was just slowly patting the cow

M: You were, tell me while you are here, how old are you here?
C: About seventeen.

( I then take her back to a time just prior to laying with the cows)

C: Back to the swaying tree

M: Swaying tree? Which tree is that?

C: It’s a big oak tree

M: Tell me what’s happening there?

C: It’s really really big and it’s green and its leaves are blowing and below it are ballerinas dancing, about eight of them dancing, flow-like movements.

M: Tell me what you’re doing here?

C: It’s like I’m there and I’m not there

M: What do you mean?

C: It’s like I’m not physically there I am watching them.

M: What do you sense as you watch therm?

C: Peaceful and flow-like

M: I want you to look at yourself and tell me what you look like.

C: The ginger hair

M: How old are you here?

C: Seventeen still, sixteen on to seventeen.

M: What are you wearing here, as you look at yourself?

C: White.

M: What does this white look like?

C: Like what the ballerinas are wearing long white dresses. They flow when you move, short sleeve but with puffy shoulders on them, bare feet and flow-like arms that feel really light.

M: Now you said you weren’t in a physical body?

C: No

(Once again I try and take her back to the time just prior to leaving her physical body, this takes place several times. Its almost as though. Part of her is protecting her from going to that time)

C: It’s just the cows

M: It’s just the cows….you’re laying on the cows?
C: Yeah

M: Do you still have your long white dress?

C: Yeah

M: Right down to your knees?

C: The edges of them yeah

M: And tell me what else are you sensing here, do you feel any kind of discomfort in your body?

C: For some reason I’m not wearing pants.

M: You don’t have anything underneath this dress?

C: No

M: How old are you here?

C: Sixteen or seventeen

M: Do you sense any sort of discomfort in your body?

C: Happiness around my pelvis

M: You laying on the cows, do they make you feel comfortable, safe?

C: Safe ..yes

M: What else is taking place.

C: I’m crying, because the cows make me feel safe.

M: What makes you feel unsafe?

C: I don’t know, but it’s like I’m crying because the safety of the cows, the love I feel for the cows is making me feel good.

( I then take her back to the time, when she was still in her underwear)

M: Tell me what’s taking place here?

C: At the camp, there’s like and an old chapel.

M: What are you seeing here?

C: The chapel hidden back from the rest of the people, in the forest, it’s a dry forest, no green… just sticks. There’s a triangle chapel that’s a very small room.

M: What are you seeing here? What’s in this room?
C: A girl, dark brown hair.

M: What is she doing here in the chapel?

C: There’s four men…dressed in black, old men.

M: What is the girl doing?

C: Screaming they won’t get off her, calling for help.

M: I want you to look at yourself, tell me what you’re wearing here?

C: I’m also wearing a white dress, watching her.

M: Are you not able to help her?

C: No

M: Why not?
C: Because there’s a door of the chapel, it’s stuck close and I’m not solid enough to open it, I can hear her but the men don’t know I’m there.

M: Can’t you get through the door?

C: No, I’m trying but I can’t open it.

M: Tell me what happens next?

C: I can see everything, what they are doing to her, through the door, the window bits, I just want to open the door.

M: Tell me how is it that you are there, how are you connected to her?

C: It’s like I am her, her energy trying to open the door.

M: Are you outside of the body while this is happening?

C: Yes

M: Tell me what happens?

C: They’re all taking in turns, having her, one has a knife.

M: How old is she? How old are you?

C: Seven. (Client sobbing)

(I move her through the end of that life leaving that body)

M: As you leave your body now, look back what do you see?

C: Bleeding in a long white dress

( I then ask her to look around her as she moves away from that body and if she sees any anyone else around her)

C: Yes, they’re taking me, the light is taking me. 

M: You don’t have to feel that fear anymore, I want you to allow yourself to just move to the light and you will be safe there, you will be safe and you will heal, are you completely in the white light now?

C: Yes

M: Allow yourself to immerse into that Light now, how you’re feeling?

C: Light….Floaty

M: Good, now I want you to go moving all the way into the light to the other side, can you see anyone coming to assist to help you?

C: These ballerinas, they’re talking me up.

M: Very good, you feel safe and comfortable?
C: Yes…They’re dancing around me, the ballerinas are dancing and I’m laying there on some grass below the oak tree, they’ve placed me there while they dance and I can just watch the leaves flow… And their movements flow. It’s almost like they’re serenading or cleansing and dancing for me

(Due to the trauma and the way the regression presented, I worked with her to make her feel comfortable and safe as she moved to the other side. What took place next was guided by my Higher Self )

M: Wonderful, yes they are, they’re helping you heal from the trauma, to let go of all the pain, let go of all the trauma, to make you feel happy and safe. Now I want you to see in the beautiful scene Archangel Michael coming towards you, he has a blue white beautiful light, he will come and hold you in his wings, tell me when you see him, feel him.

C: He’s wearing a blue shirt, like a tuxedo, he’s got clean white wings though.

M: Beautiful, I want you to just allow him to hold you in his wings, surround you, with that beautiful glow of his wings… feel the unconditional love, feel the love that he brings you, the safety in his wings, is he holding you in his wings now?

C: Yes, it feels… like the cows

M: Wonderful, he will now slowly take you into the light, into the gold white light and safely keep you, hold you, heal you, see yourself moving and going with him now. Is he taking you?

C: He’s taking me up, he is slow, he is carrying me.

M: Very good, you will be safe, you will heal, you will feel that unconditional love in that beautiful golden white light, go all the way. Tell me when you have reached it and he has stopped.

C: The ground beneath me is getting small. It’s like his legs are still, but his wings are flying as he’s carrying me in his arms, it’s like I can see the clouds, like it’s a seperate world he’s flying towards.

M: Tell me what that looks like.

C: Like a blanket of clouds above us, that’s where we’re going to fly towards and we’ve gone through the clouds and he’s placed me on one and he’s just sitting there, watching me laying on the cloud, telling me that everything’s okay.

M: Very good, you feel safe and comforted now?

C: Yes. The cloud is like a soft barrier, feels so light and cooler around me

(This is now followed with the conversation with my client’s Higher Self to receive the understanding of why this life was shown and allow the healing to take place)

M: Why did you show (my client) the life of that young girl, was that the most recent previous life she had? Or was that another timeline?

HS: That was a previous life

M: It was a previous life, so all the time she hasn’t been able to rest after that life?

HS: Correct

M: I want you to tell me more about, why she kept seeing the little girls face every time?

HS: She wondered how to save her, she wanted to save her

M: So it was because her consciousness came out of her body, watched the scene, it wasn’t able to save herself.

HS: Yes, that is why

M: And she’s still trying to save herself, it was her she was trying to save.

HS: Yes

M: That was a very sad situation for what happened to her, is that why the whole memory of it came back when she was at the camp? Did this occur in a chapel near that place?

HS: Yes

M: Did (my client) see that chapel when she went to that camp when she was twelve?
HS: Yes

M: Did she go in that chapel?
HS: Yes

M: What did she feel when she went in that chapel?

HS: Scared, so she left

M: So the whole memory came back to her at the time that she went there.

HS: Yes

M: What emotion is she still holding onto from that very sad life, in her body?

HS: She wants to fight but can’t, because she’s too weighed down. She wants to scream for help but there’s no one to help.

M: There fear of being unable to be helped or rescued?

HS: Yes

M: Where’s she holding that fear in her body?

HS: In her chest and her arms

M: Are you able to please release that fear of not being able to be helped and rescued, from her chest and her arms, from that little girls life and any other time it affected her, between that life right up to the current time please, could you do that for me now?

HS: It’s hard

M: Why is it hard?

HS: She can’t

M: She can’t?

HS: She wants to be there. The girl wanted (my client) to be there.

M: To be where?

HS: With her

M: Now the girl got taken to the light with Archangel Michael, so why does (my client) still want to remain in that lifetime?

HS: Cause the girl feels safe with (my client)

M: Did you say that little girl was (my client) in the last life?

HS: Yes

M: Ok, is she not now with Archangel Michael, did she not get taken up there and she’s resting and healing now?

HS: Yeah she did

M: So she doesn’t need to have the safety of (my client) anymore does she?

HS: I guess so

M: Is it because (my client) hasn’t actually been able to let go of the fact that (my client) couldn’t save her?

HS: Yes

M: Could you tell me where she’s holding this fear of not being able to save her in her body?
HS: In the chest and the arms

M: Are you now able to release that from (my client) so she can let go of it from her chest and her arms?

HS: Yes she is safe.

M:  Yes and she now realises that her consciousness came out of the body because it was to hard  to be able to be in that body while all that was going on and she couldn’t save her body now that she understands, is she able to let go of that it wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t save herself, could you let go of it, form her chest and her arms please, release it and heal it for her?

HS: Yes I can do that

M: Thank you please let me know when that is completed

HS: She can have it back now, she can have her body back.

M: Wonderful, is that why she had disassociated from her body?

HS: Yes

M: Cause she just didn’t want to feel that pain anymore

HS: Yes it was too much, too heavy

M: Yes, now we’ve released that fear of not being able to help herself, not being able to get to that door, not being able to get help, what else is she holding in her body from that life that we need to release.

HS: That is all

M: That’s all of it?

HS: That is all

M: Do we need to do any healing in regard to her lower abdomen, in the region of that area?

HS: Get rid of it, the tangled heavy lump, get rid of the feeling

M: Are you able to release that for her please and heal and release the fear that’s associated with her in her sacral in her lower abdomen?

HS: Yes

M: Wonderful, now she kept seeing herself as a five year playing at her parents wedding, Why did she see that scene of herself as a five year, as she couldn’t remember her life before twelve years old?
HS: Because they were feelings of happiness, free from the life stresses, pure children, happiness.

M: Can you tell me why she couldn’t remember her life before the age of twelve years old?

HS: Because she was stuck with the memory.

M: I see and that happened after she visited that place, where her whole past life memory came in?

HS: Yes

M: Now that’s all been lifted, why has she had problems with her memory on a daily basis?

HS: To cut off that one thing that’s holding everything else

M: Has that all been released now will she be able to memorise things on a daily basis and have a life again.

HS: It will get better as she grows old, days will become easier to remember.

M: Wonderful is there anything else we need to heal from that life from that beautiful girl?

HS: No

M: Knowing that each soul comes to experience certain situations of learning and understanding, why did that little girl have to go through such trauma, why did that soul choose to leave that body so young and have such a traumatic seven years of her life?

HS: She was abandoned by her parents, no one could take care of her, she was alone and that’s how they found her.

M: Was it something she needed to learn something about abandonment or something?

HS: Yeah like she is her, no one else is going to save her but herself.

M: Interesting, so that lesson of her not being able to save herself, obviously is a completely different life and now (my client)’s repeating that situation where she is diagnosed with mental health and she needs to understand that no one is going to save her but herself?

HS: Correct

M: is she going to be able to save herself now?

HS: In time yes

M: Does she actually have mental health issues or was it because of all of this, that she was diagnosed to have that?

HS: No mental health issues. This was her whole being, everything stuck.

M: She has been unstuck now right?
HS: Yes

M: Wonderful, could you tell me also why is it she saw herself as a seventeen year old with ginger hair, if that life on that cow?

HS: Because now that she no longer consumes animals, animals are now her home, her safety.

M: Why did she see herself as a seventeen year old. Was that part of her soul that hadn’t gone to the light, was that still being stuck here on the earth for a time?

HS: I think that was something she already felt when she was seventeen.

M:  I see, so she was associating with that. Interesting, so those trees she saw when she looked back, the line of dark trees, that was the area the little girl had been taken from?

HS: Yes

M: I’d like ask about her psychic abilities.  Prior to the regression, she was able to see part of my aura, she saw the light around me and at the end the blue part, she then saw a dark circle, which was quite large and telling her it was like a tall man and getting upset with her and me for doing this, could you tell me what was that’s about?
HS: He was from the Chapel

M: I see

HS: He didn’t want her to be saved, he doesn’t think that she should be saved, that’s why he didn’t want her here.

M: Now where’s that being?

HS: He’s going, he doesn’t have a choice, he needs to leave.

M: Good, who is taking him?

HS: Someones pushing him away, it’s a man in the blue suit

M: Is that Archangel Michael

HS: Yes…he’s gone.

M: Thank you, well I’d like to ask about (my client) and the various situations of what we discussed, she’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, does she actually have this disorder?

HS: No

M: Her anxiety and depression, could you tell me are you able to do anything else to release that for her?

HS: Just takes some time, takes some time, that left with the memory of the girl, so maybe now it’s not an overwhelming feeling, it’s manageable.

M: So in time it will release. What about the OCD, I notice a sense of controlling things in her environment to make sure she was safe? Was all that from that life as that little girl?

HS: Exposure, she will now take the risks to expose herself to those things that she fears, even if it makes her feel uncomfortable, this is progress.

M: Wow

HS: She will take the risks and jump to do these things

M: Wonderful is she still holding any more fears of feeling unsafe in her body?

HS: Unsafe, slow

M: Are you able to release that for her?

HS: Yes

M: Where’s she holding that feeling of being unsafe?

HS: In her right arm

M: Could you please release that for her?

HS: Yes, its done

M: I know her partner has changed and is now wonderful to her, but, where is she holding that emotion from past emotional abuse from her partner? 

HS: It’s in her heart

M: What’s she holding onto in her heart?

HS: A purple ball that was once black and now it’s turned purple and getting lighter.

M: Do you need to do any healing and releasing from the heart?

HS: No, it’s going

M: What about in the psych ward or the abuse, the emotional abuse,
HS: It’s gone

M: Any other emotions or energies, she’s holding from her time in the psych ward.

HS: There’s some in her left eyebrow?

M: Left eyebrow, what’s there sitting there?

HS: A square box of black

M: Could you please remove that 

HS: Yes… Done

M: At times she felt when she was having thoughts of various dark visions, it would actually feel calming in those moments, she would zone into dark thoughts and then she would realise that she’s the calmest in those times, why was that happening to her?

HS: Because she was with her, the girl

M: The little girl?

HS: Yes, her world felt dark and (my client) felt that she needed to be there.

M: And now, is it all gone

HS: Now it’s all gone

M: Why was it that she felt that attachment of that girls spirit, which obviously was a past life, to that cupboard in the room?

HS: Because that’s where she lived, (my client) lived.

M: I see, where it had that furniture?

HS: It had that furniture

M: And it has come back into her life.

HS: And that’s why it’s here now, because it’s been brought with her.

M: So it triggers certain memories for her, so she can heal?

HS: Yes.

M: Will she always be battling or will she be able to heal?

HS: She will slowly get better as this will release and time will soon tell how she can move forward

M: What were the physical issues she was getting the last five years?

HS: The stomach and ovary area
M: What was the reason?

HS: That was due to the energies stuck, that has now been released.

M: Her next question was, is she stopping herself from getting better without realising?

HS: Yes

M: Well she was, wasn’t she, but now she will know the difference.

HS: Exactly

M: She feels like she was born to do more career wise, what career should she doing and she feels like she is at a dead end, not making the impacts was to make?

HS: She shouldn’t be in a career, she should be at home with the animals and the kids, that is why she does not feel fulfilled, there should be animal rooms everywhere in her own house and her kids playing and learning at home, that is why she does not feel fulfilment in her career.

M: So should she stop her career… is she able to stay at home and do that?

HS: If the financial stability was there yes

M: So how could she make that happen for her? They have the financial stability while she does that career, could she do something like that at home?

HS: Not from home, she spends to much time on unnecessary things, if she allows herself to focus on what her true meaning for her career path, she could stop doing those things and life will allow her to do what she deserves.

M: So it’s only a matter of her just looking over her spendings?

HS: Yes

M: Spending on only what she needs, rather than spending it on what she doesn’t need?

HS: Yes 

M: And then she can do and fulfil her soul in that way?

HS: Yes

M: Wow, will she be able to this now or will you be able to guide  and help her?

HS: I can help

M: Can she do anything else to help herself?

HS: Make sure that she allows the help that she deserves.

M: What does she need to do now?

HS: To understand things happen, but we move on and that she’s only going to hold herself back, if she doesn’t let it go.

M: Well that lesson in her life was to realise that she is the person to save herself and it’s still the lesson to understand for her in this life, right?

HS: Exactly

M: How often does she need to listen to this recording to benefit from it?

HS: Once every three weeks

M: Wonderful, how will she feel after this session that may feel different for her?

HS: Awake, awake to things she has not felt, but peace and clarity.

M: Wonderful, is there a final message you would like to give her before I bring her back.

HS: Don’t let go.

M: Don’t let go of what?

HS: Life

M: It’s precious isn’t it?

(We end the session here)

M: It’s precious isn’t it?

(We end the session here. This regression was facilitated in from July 2023)

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