In a recent QHHT session my client’s Higher Self explains whilst they are cleansing Inner Earth, the core of the planet, my client’s purpose is to anchor the energies and pour the Light on the surface, to where it is needed.
My client found herself on an island with crystal clear, blue waters and a tropical forest full of life with beautiful coloured birds.
C: I just feel, it’s very cleansing….you can be your true self here
M: Tell me more about that
C: There are no worries, you are just cleansed and just feel love and the healing of the sun rays on your face
M: What else do you sense in this beautiful place?
C: I feel the sun rays heal my soul and then in turn I heal everything around me
M: Tell me more about how you do that
C: I feel on the island there are no distractions, its just me
M: You said that then you’re able to heal the things around you, tell me how you do that?
C: Through the energies I can push out the energy to cleanse, cleanse the island and everything on it. Just through my heart, not thinking, just feeling the there’s love all around and the bright light of the sun, makes everything pure and cleansed
M: what else do you sense here?
C: I can feel my arms are feeling a bit heavy, my hands are feeling a bit heavy, like built up of energy, that needs to be released.
M: tell me how you release this through your arms and your hands,
C: It just another way, it just happens
M: I want you to have a look at your arms and your feet, do you sense that you have something over your body?
C: Just feel like I’m pure light, but my arms like really heavy, like shackled down almost now.
M: Is there something that’s holding your arms
C: It’s just heavy like I’ve got weights in my arms that are pulling me down
M: What do you see when you look at your form or yourself, is there any colours or lights that you notice?
C: Just darkness now with a heaviness, its my arms, I just feel my arms are being pulled down, not not being able to move my arms now….its almost like its pulled down in the sand
M: Is the pulling down from the fingers or the wrist or the whole arm?
C: The, more so the wrist and just a bit above my wrist. I can sense my fingers but it’s almost like i’m being stopped from healing the island.
M: Get a sense of what is creating this heaviness over your arms?
C: It feels like I’m no longer allowed to protect the island
M: if I were to ask you to move as you are a pure form of energy, are you able to move to the left to the right or above you
C: I can, I just can’t lift my arms up?
M: Now that you sense that, there is a part of you that are arms, but you are a pure form of energy
C: I feel like I am pure form and usually when I….I heal the island I do lift my arms up. But I can’t do that feels like concrete heaviness
M: Is this something that you notice when you look at them
C: It’s like it was placed there by something, it’s not, it’s not part of who I am.
M: I see, tell me more about that, so the arms were placed by something.
C: The concrete was placed by something.
M: the concrete is over your arms
C: Yes, it’s like it’s not allowing me to do what I need to do what I have been doing, it’s stopping and blocking me from my true self, of what I am here to do.
M: Now as you are pure energy, you’re able to move out of that concrete aren’t you?.
C: I can if I focus, if I let it not hold me down.
M: What happens then if you do that
C: I…I feel the heaviness start to go away, I feel the energy flow more in my body, its starting to feel less of a heaviness, but I have to really focus
M: And tell me when you are focusing what else is happening here.
C: I feel like I can almost fly, if I can just free my, the little bit left in my hands
M: As you keep focusing have a look at your pure energy, does that have some kind of a colour to it?
C: I can just feel, not see the colours, but I just feel like it’s a pure white light
M: aAre you able to move yourself now
C: I feel like I need to regain my energy again
M: How do you do that
C: From the sun rays and the water
M: Wonderful, now that you freed yourself, you can regain your energies from the sun and the water, tell me what you do and how you do that.
C: I feel like maybe I was put on this island by someone or something, but it’s not really where I belong. I feel like I was put here to stop me from doing what I need to be doing.and i’m just confined to this island and that’s why I made this island beautiful, but I feel like i’m shackled down to this island but it’s not my home.
M: Now that you have freed yourself and you can regain that energy, you’re able to go to where your home is…. is that right?
C: There’s still something pulling me down
M: what is it pulling you down from?
C: It’s like it’s not wanting to let me leave?
M: You are pure energy of white light and can move through anything that is holding you back, energy moves in any direction, you just have to focus. Are you able to focus yourself to move up and away. and you said you could almost fly, allow yourself to do that.
C: I think I need to believe in me. I feel I need to believe that I…. I can do it, I can let this heaviness go. I feel I just need to shoot up into the sky and find my way home.
M: Since you are pure white light energy and you know this is not your home are you able to focus and believe that you’re able to shoot up?
C: yes
M: Tell me what you sense and feel?
C: I just feel like the island is getting smaller now, I still feel heaviness but I’m trying to get away. I can just feel, it’s like I’m just this pure light, and my light is being dimmed, it’s being dragged down
M: What does that energy feel like
C: It just feels like I need to break out, that once I break out I’ll be able to feel more and know more, but I’m not sure how to break out because it has such a strong hold.
M: What is this energy that has got a hold of you, of this pure white light that you are.
C: it’s not my energy. Just focusing on letting it go, but now I can feel it in my knees, it feels like somehow I have to figure out to let it flow out of me, that’s the only way that it will leave, I need to figure out how to, how to let it go.
M: This energy that is holding you back, has that got a colour?
C: it’s got a dark colour, where I feel like maybe I need to absorb the energy and then it will not bother me anymore. Absorb it into my pure white light.
M: Tell me how you do this?
C: By making my energy stronger, wider, consuming it so that it doesn’t bother me becomes small and irrelevant. It is purifying it. It’s like I feel like I’m trying to flap my wings but now my legs are being pulled down.
M: You can absorb into the light, you said that’s the only way, that you can release yourself,
C: As your wings are free now, to flap your wings, tell me what that feels like, as you move them about a bit.
C: I feel the stars in the sky, I feel like I’m just in the darkness and there’s stars all around me. But I’m still having trouble moving.
M: are you able to free your arms and your wings, can you move them.
C: No the heaviness has gone back to arms again, just feel the heaviness in my hands and my knees, it’s as though I am calling out to someone, to come and save me, to unblock, I feel like its….it’s too hard to do it on my own.
M: Tell me how you call out to someone
C: I just open my heart and release beautiful light, so someone can come and find me in the darkness, it’s like a beacon of light that I’m here, that I need to be found, I feel like I’m lost.
M: As you send out your beacon of light, have a look around you all around you, in that space of where you are and look out in a distance and see if you can see a light that is drawing your attention
C: I can see other white lights…they’re all around me
M: tell me what they do now, as they’ve come all around you
C: I’m not sure if they’re like me, with their beacon of light, trying to be free me as well, it feels like I’m calling for home, sending out my coordinates for them to come and free me and rescue me, this isn’t where I belong.
M: tell me about your home and where you belong
C: A place of beautiful energies with love and care.
M: Now as you’re sending your coordinates, for someone at home to come, have you done that already.
C: I feel like I have, but no one has come, I feel like maybe this is a lesson for me to break free, for me to have that inner knowing of how to break free, it’s the next step.
M: Tell me what you do next
C: I feel like I need to gather enough energy in me to just burst out. I need to focus and not think about anything but pure love, strength, it kind of feels like a ritual that I have to go through, to release me.
M: are you doing that now?
C: I feel like I’m just sending a beam of light in all directions to free me. And using the heaviness in my arms to release that energy and feel that energy come out of my hands and feet, to propel me wherever I want to be. I feel like I can fly now and move around with this white light coming out of my hands and my feet, just flying around in the darkness
M: Tell me what that feels like as you fly around
C: I feel free, it’s like a little starburst in the sky. I’m feeling a bit lost, like I can’t remember.
M: Now have a look around, you said there were other white lights around you, what do you sense from them?
C: I sense like they may be others going through the same thing that I am and maybe that I can help them by showing them the light, showing them how to break free out of the heaviness.
M: Tell me what you do next?
C: Show them how to feel and how to use the energy to break free…..they are releasing their light.
M: Now as they are releasing their light, are they able to move like you as well and fly.
C: Yes, I feel like we are a collective now, with beautiful white energy.
M: tell me what you do as a collective white energy that you are. I feel like we are all sent to do some healing somewhere, some place where we are needed, to show people the way, to feel with their hearts.
M: As you sense that you all need to be in this place somewhere, get a feel of where this is, are you all moving towards that?
C: I feel that we are dragged somewhere, but this doesn’t feel like it did before, where you felt stuck? It feels like a place where we are needed and wanted.
M: Why is it that you are needed there?
C: I’m not sure but our light and our love is needed. I feel like we are pulled to a planet now, we’re not in the sky anymore.
M: See what does that planet look like?
C: It’s a forest. I just feel like love is needed here, our pure energy is needed here
C: I feel like we’re pulled into the earth now, we are not on top of the earth, we are in the earth now.
M: Tell me more about that. What you mean, in the earth.
C: We are in its core and this is where the healing needs to be
M: What does that do, healing within its core?
C: It’s healing of the inner earth. I feel this is where all the energies are that emanates out to the surface. I feel like I’m very deep now, deep in the earth, where I need to shine my light.
M: Are the others with you?
C: They’re on top of the earth and I am in the inner earth
M: Are you on your own?
M: Why did the others stay on top?
C: I feel like I’m the only one powerful enough to go into the inner earth, into the core, I feel like I’m their leader. I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid.
M: Tell me what you do from there.
C: I’m here to bring love, peace, healing, that is so so need, for everybody, every living thing.
M: Are there any other Beings?
C: I’m just processing everything that has happened here.
M: Tell me more about it.
C: There’s so much hurt that doesn’t need to be here, I feel a lot of cleansing needs to happen.
M: What else do you get a sense of here?
C: I’m just feeling all this energy come through my hands now, that I’m releasing into the core. I feel like the earth is receiving all the energy, that all the trees, the animals, everything benefits from it. I just feel the energy flow, there’s so much energy coming through my hands, that is being released into the core.
M: Do you need to replenish your energy in any way when you are down there?
C: I feel like I am getting tired.
M: What do you do to replenish that energy.
C: I need to fly up near the sun and be cleansed.
C: I shot up out of the core now, into the sky again. I feel there’s been a lot of healing down there now. I feel like I’m called by people wherever healing is needed and I go with the others with white light.
M: On the surface
C: We go into the core of where healing is needed
M: So the others can go in there too.
C: They can, but they stay on the surface to dispense the energy while I work in the core of the planet. I process all the things that have happened in the planet.
M: Tell me more
C: I get a feel for what has happened there, the way the planet has been treated, its almost like the planet speaks to me rather than the people… particular people call me. But the earth tells me what happened there and I do the healing that is required for the earth, not so much for the people, the people benefit from the earths core being healed, it’s like it emanates out and benefits the rest of the people. They change their patterns, their behaviours. I feel like I go to the source and that emanates out to everybody else. I stay in the sky and observe until being called and I protect my pure energy, my pure essence while I’m in the sky.
M: So this is quite a mission you’re on.
C: It is
M: Have you done this to other planets as well or is it just the earth your doing it for
C: We have
M: Tell me more about that.
C: We have many missions. We’re just called, by people that have the same understanding.
M: Then you go to those planets to assist.
C: Yes
M: So why is it in particular, that you are assisting the earth this time?
C: Because it’s a dying planet.
M: What do you mean it is a dying planet?
C: It’s crying for help, inner earth is crying for help.
M: That’s what you’re doing there now, is dispersing the energy from within the earth.
C: Yes there are people calling out, that are in desperate need, we need to fix the inner core so that it radiates out.
M: Will that actually change this dying planet?
C: Yes, every planet can change.
M: Tell me more about this collective light that you all are and where you are from, what would you call the place that you are from?
C: I want to tell you, but I feel like I can’t
M: Is there a reason
C: We are very protected. The work that we do is very special and very pure
M: I understand
C: and we are protective of this.
M: I understand that, we could just keep it between us, we don’t have to share that with anyone.
C: Our planet is very pure, rainbows.
M: Is it only the pure white light that you all are on this planet, is there any other beings on there.
C: There are but only pure souls are welcome on this planet, because we are so protected and we want to keep our protection and be pure.
M: How are these pure souls identified.
C: Just with their energy, their pure energy and the knowing.
M: What do they do on the planet?
C: I can’t tell you.
M: I understand, I’d like to understand then, your connection to this physical body of Agnes.
C: She’s a beautiful person that wants to do good in this world. She’s very fearful and she doesn’t understand, but i want her to understand, because she can do many many great things. She needs to believe, she needs to break out of what I break out of, that heaviness and find her light.
M: Very interesting
C: She needs to believe, believe in herself and find that connection to me.
M: Am I speaking with her Higher Self
HS: Yes
M: She’s been wanting to connect with you what’s stopping her, is just her belief?
HS: Her fear, there’s nothing to fear.
M: Why did she gain this fear, did it come from a different lifetime?
HS: I’m just trying to see, I’m trying to find.
M: Thank you that would be really appreciative, because as you know I got her to have look at my auric field
HS: yes
M: and she could see the water, and she could receive information, even from my guides, to tell her that she’s safe, so she’s a very capable psychic and clairvoyant and she has mediumship qualities obviously.
HS: She is.
M: Why was she able to see all of that at this time if she’s still got fear?
HS: Feel she’s very protected
M: Whose she protected by? Is it yourselves
HS: Yes….I feel like we can cleanse her now
M: That would be wonderful, what I’d like to understand, as you are looking up to see where this fear came from, if it came from a different lifetime?
HS: She’s had many lives. There are too many, too too many to pinpoint where things are coming from. Where she carries a lot of burden for others, she absorbs a lot of burden of others that she needs to let go, like I did. I had to let, absorb everything and let it go.
M: Perhaps you can help her now in the cleansing process of those lifetimes. I know that she’s had many many lives where maybe that has bought in this fear. As Dolores would always want to understand, where was the originating life where it began because ultimately if we release it from there, it releases all the rest. Like a chain, is that not just so.
HS: She carries a lot of burden for her planet ending. It was her original planet
M: Her original planet, where was that? You want to tell me
HS: Just processing. Cleansing, so that she will let go of this fear and have a better connection.
M: Can you tell me where the irritating planet was, where she collected all that burden.
HS: It was her home planet
M: I see, wasn’t that Light though.
HS: That was my planet, my planet is Light
M: I do apologise, where was her home planet? What is her origin? If I may ask?
HS: They are also Light beings
M: Light beings, does it have a name of the planet?
HS: ‘Arious’
M: Where about is that planet, is it in our universe, our galaxy.
HS: No, it’s far far away from here.
M: So why is it that she had to carry the burdens on Arious to start with.
HS: She felt like they were her burdens and that’s what she needs to let go.
M: Where is she holding this in her body then, this burden from her planet?
HS: In her heart
M: This has affected her in the many lifetimes she has had ?
HS: Yes.
M: Both on earth and elsewhere
HS: yes
M: Is it anywhere else or is it just her heart.
HS: She is always in her heart
M: Are you able to release that for her then, from that originating point and the many many different lifetime she had, including this life.
HS: Yes
M: Are you able to tell me how you are doing that, if I may ask you. Always curious to know.
HS: iIt’s the same as when I go into the core of the planets. I go into her core and just emanate my Light and absorb all the impurities
M: How beautiful
HS: Everything that is holding her back with her true potential … to make a difference.
HS: She needs to empty her bladder to cleanse
M: Does she need to do that now
HS: Yes
(The client then goes to the restrooms and returns to her session)
M: Thank you so much for allowing her to do that.
HS: Thank you
M: Has that healing completed?
HS: Yes….she has beautiful free flying energy now and she will know that I am always here, to guide her, she’s not alone.
M: How can she connect with yourselves..
HS: just by sitting still and focusing, setting her intention to connect.
I will know, she has proven herself today by seeing your aura, so she knows, she’s always known, she’s just had doubts.
M: Yes I think she was almost in tears when she could realise that. What was most amazing was, not only did she see my aura, but she could see this light pouring in to the room and she understood them to be my guides and received information from them, which is quite incredible now.
HS: Yes, she has always wanted to see auras, and today, within minutes, so this will just be a stepping stone for her of so much more that she will reveal to herself. And there is no heaviness, no fear.
M: Are you doing the work to the core of the planet at this time
HS: Yes
M: What is her purpose in the incarnation on Earth then?
HS: To anchor the energies and pour the Light where it is needed
M: Is this when you explained about the Light on the surface and she has come in to anchor that?
HS: Yes
M: How does she do this?
HS: With her pure Soul. We need more pure Souls on the planet with the right intentions
M: Are they coming in
HS: Yes
M: She wanted to know what is the true nature of reality and if we are living in a simulation. Is there a real world outside of the construct.
HS: There is so much more and that is a whole different topic. There is so much more out there and this is such a little bleep in the scheme of things. We are all energies frequencies that are Light and some choose to stray but we try and cleanse them. And make them see, that it’s just love, true love.
M: It’s a challenging time here on Earth right now, with all that’s going on in everyones lives, it does get challenging to have tolerance and patience with the family, what is it they need to to work on?
HS: Earth has many temptations to distract and derail you. Sitting still is key. Simplify.. don’t overcomplicate.. life is simple.
M: What can we look forward to in these changes and the New Earth?
HS: If things play out the way we are planning, it will be beautiful, a beautiful change for all, with the work done on the Inner Earth, that will come out to the surface. There is a change coming, I can’t reveal too much. It will be beautiful.
M: What about the many Souls leaving Earth at this time.
HS: Some for good reason. Some are impurities, so pure Souls can come in to create the change. Some have done their work its time to move on to something else. Some are more powerful that need to come in and the lesser have gone. Not everyone is powerful to go to the Inner Earth, like I can.
M: I thought you were the only one that could go in, whist the other Lights stayed on the surface.
HS: That’s my team, but there are other teams that do the same. They always have a leader that has a lot of energy that can do the inner work. The rest of the team stay on the surface to do the purification.
M: That’s wonderful to know about the assistance given. It’s interesting to see as you cleanse the core of the Earth, I see each individual being guided to cleanse the inside of themselves, release their shadows, and reflect to the collective.
HS: Yes that’s right
M: Is there anything else you wish to communicate to her?
HS: I think the important thing was coming here, she suspected, but now she will know. She will notice her power, that she can see things she can’t explain to others. And there is nothing to be afraid of , there nothing that will hurt her.
M: What was it you wished she would gain from this session ?
HS: Her belief and knowing that I am here. She has tried to reach out, but the doubt, the fear has held her back but now she’ll know there is a connection.
M: Do you have a final message?
HS: She is pure and we will guide her.
M: Do you have a message to those I connect with?
HS: You are loved, you are watched over, you are so loved.
M: Thank you so much
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