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These were given in a conversation with the Higher Self within a QHHT Past Life Regression session in early 2020 which are still relevant to date as we continue on our awakening journey into a new era for Humanity.

1. Follow/listen to many paths, his path is his, not everyone’s path/truth is the same 

2.  Keep an open mind, to view from many perspectives

3.  You must change the part, before you can change the whole. Every reality is an actuality.  What we have, we deserve. The systems we have created were for survival.

4.  We are on the path for globalisation and mass consciousness. Crisis brings new information and possibilities with opportunities to make corrections.  We need to correct that within each individual, placing our energies to changing ourselves first. 

5.  Don’t give your powers to others in authority. Recognise the power is within yourself and use those powers to handle your own life, family and friends

6.  Body, soul, spirit are three aspects of yourself and must be aligned. Vibration is the energy of the mind, emotions, movement, this expansion of positive and negative affect the emotions, body, spirit. Fear, sex, are lesser frequencies/energies. Establish a proper body, let emotions flow so you can connect to the rest of the universe and come into balance.

7.  Moments of awakening are to be aware of something new and are a constant process of humanity. Three basic tenants are firstly the body, the physical aspect, the fuel you ingest are the products, the main source of your energy. Feed the body properly to encode to your cells and encode your DNA. Feed your body with the foods from the seven colours of the rainbow/chakras. Secondly, the emotions, the soul; how am I breathing….the beating of the heart and breathing of the lungs through the nose, using the diaphragm. This helps with balance. Thirdly, the mind, which can restore beliefs. If one changes vibrations of the body, for instance,  through laughter, it lessens the severity of the problem. Laugh more.

8.  Changes which may occur in 2020/22. Many things will focus on restoring balance again and bring order. We will re-process our thinking through chaos, the impetus to betterment and to reach a higher level of consciousness. Many bad things will occur, but we should view this as an opportunity to prepare ourselves for another level of consciousness and growth. This stress will enhance our ability to grow.

9.  The Corona virus evolves through DNA. It replicates through our own body. It will be used to actually improve our survival. The bodies most prepared will activate and connect with the crown chakra.  Reflect on your past to improve, adapt and grow. Every virus in the history of humanity contributes to survival and evolution. 

10. Spiritual reality ~ we must realise everything in the creation is also the creator. To manifest reality we cannot be divided, we must balance body, mind, spirit. We need to be coherent with self. We usually project needs, rather than manifest them, because we are not in balance. Manifestation can be achieved once you realise you ARE the creator and YOU manifest reality and YOU enjoy to create. The Higher Self is a projection of the creator…..which is you.

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