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“Sometimes the best way to show love is just to be” Partial Transcript of QHHT Past Life Regression facilitated in November 2020 

Part Two of this transcript with messages from “The Oneness Collective” to follow.

Experiencing a Past Life

M: What do you notice as you become familiar with the place you’re in:

C: I see a volcano, theres a lot of grey in this place and looked like there had been a war or some sort of eruption. All I can see is the lava.

M: Tell me more about what you are seeing :

C: There s a building that looks like it’s been built, a  very big building but only the skeletons remain. I know this building. There were no humans hear a lot of lion statues. Heads of Lions with human bodies. I can only see the ashes of the aftermath. They tried to destroy these.

They used nature to do it, to get the lava to come out for destruction purposes. My parents told me they were bad these beings, they’re from another place they’re not from this planet. They came here trying to change us but they didn’t destroy all of it and I can see the river is still there. 

It’s peaceful there, trees trying to grow again. But they destroyed our building.

M: Tell me more about this building:

C: (Gets emotional) It had a lot of information for our people and communities.

M: What was the purpose of this destruction:

C:They were scared that we are too powerful but we did not want to hurt anyone. We never hurt anyone. We are very happy and playful. We can balance being serious and being childlike at the same time. We knew how to play very well.
M: What is the name of this place whee you are

C:  Lyra I can remember what it used to look like. It was beautiful big, had a lot of stonework everywhere before it was destroyed. It was powerful, we worked with Egypt quite a bit.

M: Tell me more about that

C:  We helped them understand some things, It’s funny that people now think they were never there. They forgot about us. We helped them understand how to use Earth and the rocks and crystals, the power of nature.

M: Tell me more about the beings that destroyed your home

C: They looked green and bluish in tone but I don’t want to remember them too well, I just know they killed my family. They looked like they could take the form of almost anything. Sometimes birds with bird heads, sometimes with gills. They almost looked like a stere type of what your people think of aliens. But it’s not. They were smart and big, but they were scared they dint know what love its and they didn’t know how to harness love like we did.

M: Tell me more about your people and how they harness love

C:They didn’t forget how to be children. When you never forget how to be a child then you never forget how to love. They go hand in hand. But they never could do that, they were never children.

M: What do you mean by that:

C: They just existed, they didn’t have stages to go through. They didn’t grow, they were just stagnant and desperate. I can see where their planet was. 

M: I want to to tell me more about yourself as you take a look at your body.

C: I choose many bodies, if you want I can be human, but I can also be something else too. 

M: What else to you choose to be:
C: I can be Light. 

M: Do you emanate a colour from this Light

C: It’s a White Golden Light. I can also have cat feet like a lion. 

M: Tell me more about your origins:

C: I have been in Lyra, but I was very young then. I didn’t stay as long on my planet compared to the others. I’m so sad about it that I didn’t get to see it. (Client gets very emotional).

They took us our guides, our people, to save us. I was very young then. They took me away from the destruction. I lived in a world where there was a lot of water. They showed me the ways of the water. That’s why I took this name now in my Earthly incarnation. It means water, it means star of the sea. We used to travel back and forth through a portal to Atlantis. I lived there for some time and we build a lot of connections to other realms. It was a big thing at that time.

M: What kind of realms

C: Angelic ones, we were trying to bring peace to Earth at that time. We knew it was coming. We knew that it was going to be hard for humans. We didn’t fully succeed that though at that time. We knew that the humans would be suffering., We tried to help them and organise different portals around the world and harness nature and harness the energy of it. They didn’t really even have to do anything it was just there.

M: Tell me more about that

C: It’s just conflict and this red energy kept coming in. They weren’t that nice, they were posers. They used a lot of metal.They didn’t really care about the humans. That was the problem. They just cared about the resources of the Earth. They’re not hurting humans, they don’t want to do anything to humans, They’re hurting the resources of humans and they’re encouraging it so it doesn’t help.

M: So what went so wrong on Earth

C: People became very selfish even in Atlantis. They started to get confused and they forgot their purpose. And that when I stand to become a human. I’ve already been here for some many times already and I’m kind of tired from it but it’s nice to see their perspective. But its scare at the same time. 

M: Why did you take the mission to come back to Earth

C: Because I thought I could help. I thought maybe I could bring some love in directly rather than hiding behind elements.

M: What did you learn from your Earthly incarnations

C: The Pleiadians are always here, they’;re always with us and their energy is so light. I visited their planet a couple of times in between my visits here on Earth and they’re so beautiful and Angelic. 
M: Why did you choose to come back to Earth

C: Because I wasn’t done. Theres a lot of love that needs to be left a lot of love that needs to be shared. I have that. My people know what childhood is like they know, They will do that this time.

M: Tell me more about that

C: I will succeed in bringing love in. (Client gets very emotional)

M: How will you do that

C: Because I’m finally in a body that knows what love is. And it’s just the right time.

M: How will you do that

C: I remember learning a lot of things when I was travelling between worlds. And they told me that sometimes the best way to show love is just to be. 

Clients HS:Theres a lot of protection around her and that going to help her to be able to speak her thoughts. She needs to work on her voice though.

M: Whats is her mission in this incarnation

Messages from the Higher Self

HS: Its is a crucial time with a lot of changes. There’s an awakening. We had to, It had to happen this year (2019) because Earth is pivotal. It helps us and the rest of our planets. So we need her to be here and that way she can spread the love that we taught her.

She knows she has to speak her mind and her heart and use her voice a lot more often. But she doesn’t and she holds back from writing because she’s scared to be heard.

M: Where did this fear of being heard originate from 

HS: She was two. She was juts trying to see things. She could see every one of us and al the people she has met from different times different lives and somebody blocked it from her.

M: What was the reason she was blocked 

HS: She doesn’t wish to share it with you not in this way.

(The information needed to be withheld with request from her HS)

M: Are you able to also provide the details of the healing that is occurring at this time

HS: It’s hard for us to explain. Think of like batteries. Sometimes you overuse them, sometimes some things are stuck and need fixing, And so instead of batteries thing of your. Light just the essence of your Being.Sometimes they needs clearing. This will continue on for a few days but it will be cleared.

M: Are you able to also do a body scan and let me know if there is healing required from her time as a young child in Lyra
HS: Yes of course, that’s she’s going through what she’s going through now. This why’s she’s so scarfed.

She’s had to see many people die in front of her.

M: Is this also the reason she fears in this life about losing her parents 

HS: Yes, we can release this now from her previous incarnation 

HS: She has always fought to have her roots and is happening again, but at the same time she’s a bird, she loves to fly and explore things. It contradicts with her desires. She’s a warrior and she knows that she is but she doesn’t want to show others. She like to experience the toughness not because she wants it but because she wants to understand people more. And the same things, she like to have her roots but she likes to explore, that’s why’ she’s travelled to so many different planets.

M: So is this a part of who she is

HS: It is but that’s the part she’s supposed to figure out and how to balance it. We all placed her into this Zodiac so she could actually figure it out.
The Higher Self (HS) then stopped and when asked if all was fine, they said there’s a lot of people who would like to come through including her ancestors and a Collective Consciousness. 

(Those messages to follow in the next blog.)

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