We are moving at an accelerated space through a portal of energy, which is opening up into Divine, magnificent and infinite possibilities as vast amount of Light has been entering onto the Earth plane,, especially since the December 21, the great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and planetary alignment.
Many are moving into frequencies more aligned to their true nature and true Beingness, through new friends, new people, opportunities and abilities. The old is dismantling, in ways that doesn’t align with is us or Mother Earth any longer. Through the grieving and letting go the old ways, a rebirth is taking place, stirring within our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, that which requires us to recognise, release and change.
As we move into the vibration and energies of the planetary alignment, timelines in parallel realities merge and converge together, creating a unified energy field of love. Through this unification process, an opportunity exists for us to move through and usher a new way of Being as we welcome the fifth dimensional frequencies moving into the Golden Age, the New Earth.
We are being reminded by Higher Dimensional guides, that all those here in this physical incarnation have chosen to be here at this auspicious time on Earth with this occurrence of accelerated shift and transformation. We are being asked to let go of all fears and all the worries about the future and what is to unfold. Even though the energies are intensifying, there is great fear within the collective. There is great fear coming to the surface and to understand and know that it is there, and there are thongs coming to the surface to release, and not get attached to the fear. It is there to bring Love to it.
In one of the recent QHHT sessions, the “The Oneness Collective Consciousness” shared a message for us all:-
“The earth right now is going through a phase of metamorphosis. it is turning into a butterfly but it needs the human race to help it. It needs the human race to remember that it is worthy. It is enough division already, it needs a Unity.”
“It needs for there to be a solace in the understanding that just because fear is present, it does not mean that it has to encompass everything. We need you to remember, us included sometimes, that love is far more powerful. But it can only work when we recognise fear as an entity not as a bad thing. It is simply here not because it wishes to hurt us but because it will remind us of what Love is. That is the focus!” The Oneness Collective
Many may be feeling isolated, alone, fear or anxiety as many things that were familiar begin to dissolve. We are reminded to surrender and release instead of resisting. It may feel uncomfortable and uneasy like being pulled into a rip, remembering to go with the flow and the current and to take the path of least resistance. We need to understand that as we release and let go, we move through the “Dark night of the Soul” and emerge into new possibilities. Remembering that as we usher this new age of the unified and the connectedness of all things, when one is suffering, we all are suffering
As the vast energies move in and we witness these changes within each of us and as a collective, we are rebuilding a magnificence within ourselves and witness the transmutation of this energy holding love within our hearts.
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